Statistics in Sports
Stat 116
Brad Hartlaub
Spring 2018
R links
Statistics Clinic (Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 8:00 - 10:00 pm, in Hayes Hall 311)
Daily Agendas
- January 15
- January 17
- January 19
- January 22
- January 24 - Baseball's 'Hot Hand' Is Real
- January 26 - Vegas Has The Best Expansion Team in the History of Pro Sports, and It's Not Close
- January 29
- January 31
- February 1 - Quiz #1 (Chapters 1 - 4)
- February 5
- February 7 - Using R with paired data; Discussion of Project 1; Lab time
- February 9
- February 12
- American versus European performance in golf - Patrick O'Leary and Cormac Jewell
- Alex Ovechkin's ability in the regular season and playoffs - Jake Barnett and Adam Schwager
- February 14 - Lab time to work on HW #5
- February 16
- Origins of MLB players (by position) - Mikey Arman, Matt von Roemer, and Jack Marooney
- Home field advantage for Kenyon College football - James Ernst, Sean Garrett, Jorge Spagnuolo
- February 19
- Home field advantage in women's sports (lacrosse, soccer, and softball) at Kenyon College - Caitlyn Augerson and Lauren Graf
- The impact of Trae Young on his basketball team - Andrew Becil and Alex Laub
- February 21
- Tinderization of the NBA - David Perez and Colin Reardon
- Indoor versus outdoor backstoke - Robert Williams and Liam Moran
- Differences in Batting Profiles for Left and Right Handed Hitters in College Baseball - Marli Volpe and Marc Delucchi
- February 23 - Quiz #2 (Chapter 5-8)
- February 26
- Handedness and type of raquet in ATP tennis - Weston Noall and Ben Gelfand
- Effect of back to backs in NBA basketball - Noah Nash and Sadiq Jiwa
- Februrary 28
- What are the effects of the NHL overtime rule change? - Kaylin Allhouse and Meg Ellingwood
- Sean Taylor's impact on the Washington Redskins - Eddie Pozo
- March 2 - Exam #1
- March 19
- March 21
- March 23
- March 26
- March 28
- March 30 - Class exercises and lab work on modeling projects
- April 2 - Class exercises and lab work on modeling projects
- April 4 - Class exercises and lab work on modeling projects
- April 6 - Poster presentations
- Predicting team performance from player performance in the NHL - Meg Ellingwood
- Three point trends in the NBA - Alexander Laub, Weston Noall, and Ben Gelfand
- Salary Cap Analysis - Kaylin Allhouse and Jake Barnett
- Relationships between height, weight, and HRs in MLB - David Perez and Colin Reardon
- April 9 - Poster presentations
- Relationship between wind and HRs - Mickey Arman and Cormac Jewell
- Models for QB Performance - Marc Delucchi
- Barry Bonds and the Steroid Controversy - Wyatt Ernst and Sean Garrett
- Gender Gap in Men's and Women's Swimming - Robert William and Liam Moran
- Predicting team wins in MLB - Jack Marooney and Patrick O'Leary
- April 11 - Poster Presentations
- Longevity of Quarterbacks before the Michael Vick Era - Jorge Spagnuolo and Eddie Pozo
- Predicting Batting Averages for Women's Softball - Caitlin Augerson, Lauren Graf, and Sadiq Jiwa
- Rebound rate and player efficiency of big men in the NBA - Noah Nash and Adam Schwager
- NBA Playoff Predictions Based on Regular Season Stats - Andrew Becil
- April 13 - Quiz #3 (Chapters 9, 10, and 11 - correlation, simple linear regression, and confidence intervals)
- April 16
- April 18
- April 20 - Quiz #4 (Chapters 12 and part of 13)
- April 23
- April 25 - Review and R Lab
- April 27 - Exam #2
- April 30 - Final projects - individual conversations
Homework Assignments
- HW #1 - due on Wednesday, January 24
- HW #2 - due on Wednesday, January 31
- HW #3 - due on Wednesday, February 7
- HW #4 - due on Friday, February 9
- Exploratory Data Analysis Proposals - short e-mail message with title, date, and description of your project - Friday, February 9
- HW #5 - due on Monday, February 19
- HW #6 - due on Monday, March 26
- HW #7 - due on Monday, April 2
- Modeling Project Proposals - short e-mail message with description of data, response variable, and possible explanatory variables - Friday, March 30
- HW #8 - due on Friday, April 19
- Final Project Proposals - due on Monday, April 30
Quiz and Exam Samples
- Samples and solutions are provided in P:\data\math\hartlaub\SportsStats
Data Sources
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